Pancreas Transplant in Pune

Reclaiming Control and Achieving Balance: Pancreas Transplant Expertise

The pancreas transplant is a surgical intervention designed to replace a dysfunctional pancreas with a healthy organ from a deceased donor. Its primary application offers a potential cure for patients diagnosed with type I diabetes. Nevertheless, due to the significant side effects associated with the transplant, it is generally reserved for individuals with severe complications arising from diabetes.


Dr. Abhishek Yadav

Speciality: HPB & Surgical Gastroenterology and Organ Transplant

Designation: Consultant & Director - HPB Surgery & Liver Transplantation

  • Thane, Pune, Indore

Dr. Mrunmaya Kumar Panda

Speciality: Gastroenterology

Designation: Consultant - Hepatology & Gastroenterology

  • Pune

Dr. Shailesh T. Kakde

Speciality: Nephrology

Designation: Consultant - Nephrology

  • Pune

Dr. Suhas Sudhakarrao Udgirkar

Speciality: Gastroenterology

Designation: Consultant - Gastroenterology

  • Pune

Dr. Suryabhan Bhalerao

Speciality: General Surgery

Designation: Consultant - General Surgery

  • Pune

Dr. Swati Mane

Speciality: Nephrology

Designation: Consultant - Nephrology

  • Pune

Dr. Sweta Lunkad

Speciality: Haematology

Designation: Consultant - Haematology, Haemato-oncology & BMT

  • Pune

Dr. Liza Bulsara

Speciality: Paediatric Haematology & Haemato-oncology

Designation: Haematology, Haemato Oncology & BMT

  • Pune

Dr. Milind Bapat

Speciality: Urology

Designation: Consultant - Urology

  • Pune

Dr. Sandip Bartakke

Speciality: Haematology

Designation: Consultant - Haematology, Haemato-oncology & BMT

  • Pune

Looking for the Pancreas Transplant in Pune

When Do You Need Pancreas Transplant?

The functionality of the pancreas may be compromised by various conditions, necessitating the consideration of a pancreas transplant. While this intervention holds promise as a potential cure for individuals with type I diabetes, the decision to undergo a pancreas transplant involves careful assessment of the trade-off between the benefits of the transplant and the side effects associated with post-transplant anti-rejection medications. Typically, individuals experiencing one or more of the below-listed conditions may find a pancreas transplant to be a viable solution. The following are some of these related conditions:

  • Uncontrolled Type I diabetes despite standard treatment
  • Type II diabetes characterized by both low insulin production and low insulin resistance
  • Inadequate control of blood sugar levels
  • Recurrent severe insulin reactions
  • Hypoglycemia unawareness
  • Severe kidney damage

Various Kinds of Pancreas Transplants

The approach to pancreas transplant procedures varies depending on the specific circumstances and conditions of the patient. The following are instances where a pancreatic transplant might be warranted:

Need for only Pancreas Transplant:
Patients with diabetes and minimal or no kidney disease may be eligible for a standalone pancreas transplant.

Combined Kidney-Pancreas Transplant:
Surgeons often consider combined kidney-pancreas transplants for diabetes patients with existing or high-risk kidney failure. This typically involves simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplants, aiming to provide the patient with both a healthy pancreas and kidney to minimize the risk of diabetes-related kidney damage.

Pancreas-After-Kidney Transplant:
For patients awaiting both pancreas and kidney donors, a kidney transplant may be recommended first if a suitable living or deceased-donor kidney becomes available. Following the kidney transplant, a pancreas transplant is performed once a donor pancreas becomes available.

Pancreatic Islet Cell Transplant:
In this procedure, insulin-producing cells (islet cells) from a donor's pancreas are extracted and injected into a vein leading to the liver. Multiple injections of transplanted islet cells may be required.

Waiting Period

Finding a suitable donor can be challenging within a short timeframe. Typically, the pancreas is obtained from an individual declared brain-dead but kept on life support. The donor must meet specific transplant criteria, including good health and a specific age range. Additionally, the donor's organ must immunologically match that of the recipient’s to minimize the risk of organ rejection.

In certain cases, the pancreas may be sourced from a living donor, especially if the recipient is a compatible twin or close relative with an immunological match. In such instances, the donor contributes a portion of their pancreas rather than the entire organ. During the waiting period for a suitable donor, it is crucial to take proactive measures for self-care by:

  • Regularly attending doctor check-ups and follow-ups.
  • Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet.
  • Taking all prescribed medications on time.
  • Engaging in some form of physical activity as recommended by the doctor.
  • Avoiding smoking and alcohol consumption.

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