TAVI / TAVR in Pune

Optimal Heart Care with TAVI: Focused Heart Valve Treatments at Jupiter Hospital, Pune

Jupiter Hospital is pleased to introduce its new facility dedicated to Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) and Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR). TAVI/TAVR offers a non-surgical solution for replacing diseased aortic valves. Our highly skilled specialist heart team ensures that patients receive the best treatment advice and procedural expertise. The aortic valve replacement procedure is fully supported with advanced CT and C-MRI imaging, a cardiac catheterization lab, highly advanced echocardiography machines with TEE, and a dedicated cardiac operating theatre, all available under one roof at Jupiter Hospital.

Patients can benefit from consultations with the best TAVR surgery doctors in Pune, ensuring comprehensive care and expert guidance. At Jupiter Hospital, our dedicated heart team includes Radiologists, Cardiologists, Structural Intervention Specialists, CTVS Surgeons, Electrophysiologists, Intensivists, Neurologists, and Interventional Neuroradiologists, ensuring a well-protected procedure. For those in need of TAVI treatment in Pune, Jupiter Hospital provides comprehensive care with TAVI (Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation) in Pune. Our expert TAVR specialists in Pune ensure optimal care for every heart valve operation.


Dr. Rajendra Patil

Speciality: Cardiology

Designation: Consultant - Cardiology

  • Pune

Dr. Tanmay S Kulkarni

Speciality: Cardiology

Designation: Consultant - Cardiology

  • Pune

Looking for the TAVI / TAVR in Pune

What is the Aortic Valve?

The heart circulates blood into the aorta, the body's largest blood vessel. This oxygen-rich blood is then transported from the aorta to various parts of the body and all vital organs. The aortic valve serves as the gateway between the heart and the aorta, acting as a one-way valve. When the aortic valve opens, blood is pumped from the heart into the aorta and closes to prevent blood from flowing back into the heart. This process repeats with every heartbeat.

Understanding Aortic Stenosis

For some patients, genetic predisposition, age, radiation exposure, or other diseases cause the aortic valve to become thick and stiff. Over time, the valve further degenerates, leading to a severe narrowing between the heart pump and the aorta, a condition known as aortic stenosis.

Effects of Aortic Stenosis in Patients

The obstruction to forward blood flow creates excessive pressure inside the heart with each heartbeat. This results in symptoms like breathlessness, fatigue, dizziness, syncope, and chest pain. If untreated, aortic stenosis can lead to recurrent heart failures and even sudden cardiac death. For residents of Pune, options for TAVI treatment in Pune, including TAVI (Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation) in Pune, and consultations with TAVR specialists in Pune, provide effective solutions for aortic valve replacement and heart valve operations.

Evaluating the Treatment Options

Historically, aortic valve disease necessitated surgical replacement, involving open-heart surgery under general anaesthesia to remove and replace the diseased valve with an artificial one. Recent advancements in medical technology have introduced Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement/Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVR/TAVI), allowing for valve implantation without the complexities of open-heart surgery. Initially reserved for high-risk surgical candidates due to age or comorbidities, TAVI is now approved for low-risk surgical patients as well.

Insight into the TAVI/TAVR Procedure

The TAVI/TAVR procedure typically employs local anaesthesia or mild sedation, depending on the patient's specific needs as determined by their healthcare provider. A small puncture hole in the leg serves as the entry point for delivering and deploying the new aortic valve using a spring or balloon mechanism. Once deployed, the valve immediately begins functioning, alleviating obstruction to blood flow. Following deployment, the delivery system is removed through the same leg puncture, which is then closed using dissolvable sutures.

Post-Procedural Recovery

Following the TAVI/TAVR procedure patients undergo immediate post-operative monitoring in the ICU to assess vital signs. Early ambulation is encouraged within the same day or the following day, with discharge typically scheduled around day 4 or 5.

Follow-Up Care and Support

Your first follow-up visit is scheduled one week after the procedure for a detailed evaluation of the newly implanted valve. Subsequent follow-ups will be customised based on your clinical progress and specific needs, ensuring comprehensive monitoring and ongoing care.

Valve Choice and TAVI Procedure Surgery Cost in Pune

At Jupiter Hospital, we exclusively use valves approved by US-FDA, CE, or DCGI, underscoring our commitment to patient-centred care and stringent quality control measures.

The TAVI procedure surgery cost remains a primary concern in Pune. To mitigate this, Jupiter Hospital and the Jupiter Foundation have established a TAVI camp, providing the complete procedure at a subsidised rate, covering pre-procedural assessments and hospital accommodations.

For more details or to enrol your patient in Jupiter Hospital’s TAVI treatment in Pune, please contact us at +91 90822 54517.


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