Radiation Therapy by VERSA HD
Radiation therapy is an intrinsic part of the comprehensive cancer treatment offered at Jupiter Hospital. It has a role in various stages of cancer inclusive of killing cancer cells, alleviate symptoms, reduction of tumour size and palliative care. Patients in Jupiter hospital receive care from a well-trained radiation oncology team comprising of oncologists, physicists, technologists.
Using VERSA HD, our team is able to offer a full spectrum of radiation treatments including 3DCRT, IMRT, IGRT, SRS, SBRT, Gating.
How does Radiotherapy work?
Radiotherapy is one of the most trusted modalities for addressing a wide range of malignancies. The therapy works by targeting and destroying the genetic material that is present within the malignant cells. This curbs the further growth and spread of cancer. As the cancerous cells are damaged, our body gets rid of them naturally.

How is Radiotherapy given?
Radiation therapy involves the use of low dose radiations to target cancerous cells. These are directed towards the concerned area using two different approaches, based on which radiation therapy is broadly classified into two different types.
EBRT [External Beam Radiotherapy/ Teletherapy]
It is the most common form of radiation therapy, during which the radiations are directed towards the cancerous area externally. This is done with the help of a special machine known as a linear accelerator.
BRACHYTHERAPY [Internal Radiation therapy]
It involves the use of a radiation generating source, which is placed inside the patient’s body to target the cancerous cells from within. Doctors may use special capsules or ribbons that emit radiation.

Three Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy, the medical physicist using planning computers and specific software controls the size and shape of beams using a multileaf collimator [MLC- which provides the desired shape] as well as how it is directed at one’s body to effectively treat the tumour while sparing the surrounding normal tissues.

Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy -IMRT is a type of conformal radiotherapy, in which the radiation can be shaped to cover the tumour. Here the beam can be broken into segments and the intensity of each segment can be adjusted individually. Higher tumour dose and maximum sparing of normal tissues are possible with this technique.

Image-Guided Radiotherapy- IGRT is used by the Radiation Oncologist to deliver the radiation more accurately to the tumour by confirming with imaging such as CT or X-Ray in the treatment position. This is compared to the planning CT to check the accuracy of the set-up and also the progress of the reduction of the size of the tumour if any adjustments need to be made before treating the patient.

Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy- VMAT is a rotational arc therapy where the dose of radiation is more conformed than other techniques & hence treatment time is reduced and so the side effects are minimal.

Stereotactic Radio Surgery - SRS is used for small lesions in the brain and spine. Sometimes it is used for benign(non-cancer) conditions. Doctors use specialized scans to pinpoint exactly where the tumour target is located. A higher dose of radiation is given in a si+ngle setting.

Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy - SBRT/SRT or SABR stereotactic ablative radiotherapy delivers a high radical(curative) dose of radiation in 1-5 settings. It requires high precision radiation machine.

This modality is recommended in cases where deep inhaling and expansion of the lungs might be required. It is mainly used in cases where the area of radiation moves with respiration like the breast, lung, mediastinum, liver and oesophagus. Left breast cancer is benefitted where the expansion of the lungs causes the heart to move out of the treatment field. Late cardiac toxicity is reduced considerably.
Our specialized team consists of
Radiation Oncologist – These are the doctors who specialize in using radiation to treat cancer, they will oversee the radiation therapy and thereafter. These doctors work in coordination with the radiation team to devise personalized treatment plans for the patients with added precision and accuracy. They work closely with other doctors like medical oncologists and surgical oncologists, physiotherapists, dieticians to improve the outcome of treatment.